Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Weekend

We had a busy weekend. Sunday was Andrew's 11th birthday. How time flies. We had a party for him on Friday night. We went to South Side restaurant and had dinner. That is where Andrew wanted to go. Uncle Chad was cooking that night maybe that is why. We had cake and presents there too. I can't believe Andrew is getting so old. He will be in the middle school next year.

We got a new camera and I had to try it out this weekend. Here are a couple of the new pictures. I still have to figure out all the new gadgets it has. That will be fun. Kaitlyn is getting a little impatient with me right now so I better go.


mom23kids said...

Wow Christa that is crazy! I can't believe he is that old! They grow so fast.

Abby Perdok said...

Hey guys! I found your blog from someoneelse's and wanted to say hi! Your kids are so cute! Tell Mark we said Hi and hope all is well!

Abby and Andy

mckeefamily03 said...

Oh Christa! your family is so super cute! I love the pictures!