Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"The Worm"

I thought I would post while I had a little extra time on my hands. I am currently at my in-law's house waiting for 4 years worth of pictures to burn to disc. I don't know if anyone heard about "the worm" that is supposedly going to affect computers on 4/1/09. My father in-law wanted me to come do some paperwork and extra backups of the computer system just in case something does happen. For those of you that don't know I do the books for my father in-law's business. So any way I decided to burn all the pictures I had stored on there computer. I know if I would not have put it off for so long and burned them to a disc as I go it wouldn't be so complicated. I have now been here for 3 hrs on the computer and am really getting quite sick of it. I am waiting for my last disc to burn now. I sure hope who ever started this hype about " the worm" is not just pulling an April fools day joke. If so I just wasted 3 hours. As you can tell I am quite perturbed about the whole thing. I guess one good thing is I am getting my pictures taken care of. Ok, I just needed to vent for a minute. I guess we will see tomorrow if it was real.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Boys will be Boys

The boys love to ride quads and dirt bikes by Grandpa & Grandma's house. This is Brayden's first year riding. Grandpa likes to start them young. Andrew was 4 when he got his first quad and started riding. He was always a cautious kid. Caleb would ride with grandpa since he was a baby and loved it. He started riding by himself 2 years ago. He is pretty good at it now. Brayden started a little last year but this year he really has it down. Brayden is more of a free spirit and has no fear. He makes me a little nervous. I could see him competing in a stunt competition someday. Maybe he will take lessons from his uncle Mark someday. I can't watch him to much he makes me nervous. Grandpa just laughs at me. I took a couple of pictures of them today. It is a good thing the quads and dirt bikes stay at Grandpa's house. I know today is just a preview of many days and gallons of gas to come this summer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Florida Trip

We had a great time in Florida. We got back on Wednesday. The weather was perfect while we were there. I guess that was the best week they have had all year. It was 80's and sunny everyday. We rented a house so we had our own pool. That was awesome with the kids. We had 10 of us all together in the house. Mark's parents went and so did my brother and his friend Dan. The house had 5 bedrooms, so it worked out great. We didn't go to any of the parks, we just walked around downtown Disney one evening. That is free. We tried to keep it cheap. Most of the days we stayed at the house and let the kids swim. We went to Coco Beach one day too. We ate pretty cheap. We could cook all our meals at the house. We spent $200.00 on groceries and that fed 10 people 3meals a day for the week. We saved alot by not eating out. If anyone is going with a family this is the way to go. Renting a house is cheaper then a hotel. We have rented a house for the past two years and we have had awesome luck with it. Here are a couple photos from the trip.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Typical weekend

We have had a busy weekend. We are leaving for vacation on Wednesday and we are trying to get things in order before we leave. We are all flying to Florida. I know, we are crazy to fly with all these kids. We were going to attempt to drive down and back which would have been even more crazy, but I found a really good deal with Allegiant Air. The forcast looks awesome down there and I can't wait for some sun shine. Kaitlyn is doing great with the potty training. She wears big girl panties all day except for nap and nightime. We just need to work on going #2 in the potty. I surely can't complain. It should be interesting while we are on vacation. It is about time I have one child that is easy to train considering I have had 3 that were not. Andrew has been doing basketball this year and he had his last game this weekend. He is sad, he really had fun this year. One of these days if I ever remember my camera I will post new pictures. I actually had time to look at other blogs and I found alot of people that I knew that had blogs. It is nice to be able to keep in touch with everyone.